Obama Rocks the 2007 California Democratic Convention
Senator Barack Obama's address to delegates at the 2007 California Democratic Convention in San Diego.
Senator Barack Obama's address to delegates at the 2007 California Democratic Convention in San Diego.
Posted by
Christopher Arnold
11:54 AM
This feature story in the New York Times traces Senator Barack Obama's path to Christianity, exploring his relationship with the controversial Trinity United Church of Christ pastor Reverend Jeremiah A. Wright Jr.
For more on Senator Obama and Reverend Wright, check out this Blog Obama 08 post from March 11, 2007.
Posted by
Christopher Arnold
10:45 PM
Labels: "Blackness", Barack Obama, Religion and Values, Reverend Jeremiah A. Wright Jr.
Posted by
Christopher Arnold
10:53 PM
Labels: '08 Election, 2008 Candidates, Barack Obama, Health Care, Hillary Clinton, Infant Mortality, John Edwards, New York Times
Posted by
Christopher Arnold
1:28 PM
Barack Obama outlines his foreign policy goals in his April 23rd speech to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.
Posted by
Christopher Arnold
11:24 PM
As an undergraduate at Columbia University, Obama's served three-months with a Ralph Nader offshoot organization organizing recycling programs at City College in Harlem.
Working as a community organizer on the South Side of Chicago, Obama fought for lead abatement in the Altgeld Gardens neighborhood.
As an Illinois state senator, representing the 13th district on Chicago's South Side, Obama distinguished himself as a leader on environmental and public-health issues.
In 2003, Obama was one of six state senators to receive a 100 Percent Environmental Voting Record Award from the Illinois Environmental Council.
The League of Conservation Voters named him a 2004 Environmental Champion, one of 18 sitting and prospective members of Congress to receive the award.
At this critical juncture in global environmental policy, wise voters will choose a candidate for whom the environment is more than a simple Earth Day fashion statement.
Posted by
Christopher Arnold
12:59 PM
Labels: '08 Election, Barack Obama, Environment, Global Warming, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Low Carbon Fuel Standard, Obama Policy
Posted by
Christopher Arnold
11:55 PM
Labels: 2008 Candidates, Abortion, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Mit Romney, Rudy Giuliani, uliani, Women's Rights
After years of increasing violence and failed policy in Iraq, our President arrives at a solution: Send more troops.
Posted by
Christopher Arnold
11:58 PM
Labels: '08 Election, 2008 Candidates, George W. Bush, Gun Control, School Violence, Virginia Tech
"Today, we are a grieving and shocked nation. Violence has once again taken too many young people from this world. In Blacksburg, they were daughters. They were sons. They were our nations new leaders. We mourn them. We will miss them, and we pray for their families and the injured fighting for their lives." --Barack Obama
Today's horrific mass shooting at Virginia Tech university is a sobering reminder that we live in a nation seeped in violence and bloodshed.
Violence of this magnitude invariably leaves people scrambling for answers. What would drive someone to such a violent act? What is at the root of this awful pattern? How can we prevent tragedies like this from happening again?
As is customary at a time like this, the gun control debate is brewing, but with a new twist. Reports indicate that the Virginia Tech shooter was armed with a 9 mm handgun and a 22 caliber pistol, hardly the heavy-duty assault weaponry at the heart of most gun control debates.
Our leaders will evaluate their gun control positions and make their statements.
If any good can come out of this heinous killing, perhaps it will be that our policy makers will stop focusing on the kind of guns that killers are using in this country, and instead focus on the kind of killers that our culture is breeding.
Posted by
Christopher Arnold
6:15 PM
Labels: '08 Election, 2008 Candidates, Gun Control, Virginia Tech
In another display of the widespread hunger for a new type of politics, a report released Sunday showed that several key members of the Democratic establishment, long time donors to the Clintons, are now aligned with Barack Obama.
This revelation comes at an unfortunate time for Clinton, after first quarter fundraising results showed Obama nearly matching her donations, despite her long established and powerful network of supporters.
Already buffeted by enormous grassroots support, Obama's message is gaining traction with the traditional Democratic stronghold. With so much at stake in the 2008 election, expect more Clinton money to land in Obama's coffers.
Posted by
Christopher Arnold
1:25 PM
Labels: Barack Obama, Campaign Finance, Hillary Clinton
Posted by
Christopher Arnold
4:44 PM
Labels: '08 Election, Barack Obama, Campaign Finance
New York Senator Hillary Clinton wasted no time exploiting the Rutgers women's basketball team for her own political gain.
Clinton announced yesterday that she will visit Rutgers next week to address the Imus issue at the Eagleton Center for American Women and Politics. "The Eagleton Center for American Women and Politics had a standing invitation for her and we felt that it would be an appropriate time to discuss the role of women in society given all that is happening," a campaign spokesperson said.
Facing increasing public scrutiny, CBS Radio fired Imus, and the entire fiasco has sparked a fierce debate over racism, sexism, free speech, and decency in American media. After meeting with Imus at the New Jersey Governor's mansion Thursday night, the team announced that they have accepted Imus's apology.
So what's wrong with Senator Clinton showing her support for these young ladies? Kansas City Star columnist Jason Whitlock offers some of the most clear-eyed commentary on this issue.
Below are Whitlock's remarks on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360, with emphasis added.
"This whole thing has made nearly physically ill. Listening to this fact that this man is having a meeting at the governor's mansion, and women are crying about a man they probably didn't even know two weeks ago, who said some words they didn't even hear -- someone had to repeat to him -- who has no relevancy in the sports world, and he's having a meeting in the governor's office, with tears being shed, as if he is so powerful, one white man that they don't know is so powerful, he can destroy their dreams, their happiness?
That is just a falsehood that has to be rejected by the black community. Don Imus, nor is any white man so powerful -- the white man is not God. He is not that powerful that he can steal your happiness and your joy and your ability to be successful here in America. It's a terrible message we're sending, these kids all over the country: Play the victim. We will put you on "Oprah." We will celebrate you. Give you all this media attention. And we will make people come to the governor's office to apologize to you. And we must reject this notion that, somehow, Don Imus or someone is so powerful, he can steal your joy."
Cheers, Mr. Whitlock. Let's have a quick reality check. Imus is syndicated on 61 stations nationally with a total audience right around 2 million people. The Rutger's women's basketball team, in their championship game versus Tennessee, drew a 1.8 Nielsen rating nationally, roughly equivalent to Imus's audience. Granted, Rutgers played in one championship game while Imus is on the airwaves every day. The women's basketball audience is not enormous, and the NCAA is considering changes to the tournament schedule to bring more attention to women's games. Yet these numbers certainly attest to the fact that the Rutger's team commands an audience of its own, and one that's sure to grow after their appearance on Oprah. To draw so much attention to Imus's ignorant comments sends the false message that one ancient, bigoted white male can steal the thunder of an entire team of talented student athletes. The media circus surrounding the remarks has only amplified Imus's audience exponentially. Hillary Clinton, with her trip to Rutgers, legitimizes the notion that Imus's remarks carry weight. Scrambling for votes, Clinton is implying that Imus's words have power, and moreover, that he is too powerful for the Rutgers team to handle on their own. Senator Clinton, the American public knows what you're up to here. |
Posted by
Christopher Arnold
2:00 PM
Labels: '08 Election, Don Imus, Hillary Clinton
Escalating the Don Imus--Rutgers Basketball--Election 2008 fiasco to a whole new level, Hillary Clinton's campaign announced today that the New York Senator will visit Rutgers University to speak about the theme "Because Politics Matters: Women and Public Leadership" at Rutgers' Eagleton Institute of Politics.
Clinton's willingness to turn a "shock" DJ's racist, inflammatory comments into an opportunity to drum up votes is shameless and represents our political system at its very worst.
This young, talented Rutgers team deserves every chance to prove Imus and other ignorant Americans wrong. In the meantime, it is troublesome that Clinton would see this as an opportunity to draw attention to herself and her campaign.
Senator Clinton, these young women can stand up for themselves.
Posted by
Christopher Arnold
4:04 PM
Labels: '08 Election, Don Imus, Hillary Clinton
Posted by
Christopher Arnold
3:44 PM
Barack Obama on David Letterman, discussing cigarette smoking, the War in Iraq, domestic policy challenges, and America's position in the global community.
Posted by
Christopher Arnold
1:48 PM
Barack Obama on David Letterman, discussing campaign finance, special interest politics, the other Democratic candidates, and his family life.
Posted by
Christopher Arnold
1:47 PM
Happy Monday, everyone. Here's some Barack Obama reading for the new week:
Posted by
Christopher Arnold
11:27 AM
Labels: '08 Election, Barack Obama, Immigration, New York Times, Obama Policy, Veterans
"We shouldn't just put more money into a system that isn't efficient," he said.
Posted by
Christopher Arnold
3:34 PM
Posted by
Christopher Arnold
1:30 PM
Pundits forecasting our nation's first billion dollar election may have to raise their estimates.
After a first quarter that left his rivals flush with cash, Senator Barack Obama is widely expected to release his first quarter fundraising results Wednesday. Speculation runs rampant that he will equal or top the $26 million reported by Hillary Clinton.
Clinton's record-breaking figure, further beefed up by a $10 million transfer from her Senate campaign fund, is a massive war chest, yet many believe that Barack Obama's community-based fundraising will put him in a position to meet or top Clinton's funding. Regardless of whether he ends up the top fundraiser, he leads his rivals in number of individual contributors with more than 82,000 donors and counting. These numbers suggest a widespread and growing base of support in these early weeks.
As candidates have scrambled for cash, Senator Obama has distinguished himself by offering thousands of young Americans the chance to participate in events with tickets priced as low as $25, a grassroots effort in sharp contrast to other candidates who may charge hundreds of dollars per event.
While other campaigns flaunted their fresh funding, the Obama campaign distinguished itself by holding back a few days, continuing to give the public its message of change and hope, rather than rush to deliver the press a bank statement.
Meanwhile, Senator Clinton, sitting atop $36 million in cash, continues to advocate for publicly financed federal campaigns.
"I believe we have to move, eventually in our country, toward a system of public financing that really works for candidates running for federal office. I will support that as president," she said recently.
How generous of you, Senator Clinton.
Posted by
Christopher Arnold
11:45 PM
Labels: '08 Election, Barack Obama, Campaign Finance, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards
The tide is changing fast in U.S. politics.
A comprehensive twenty-year study by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press shows that 50 percent of Americans now identify themselves as Democrats, while only 35 percent identify as Republicans. The figures have changed dramatically since 2002 when both parties were equal with 43 percent.
It's no surprise to see a change in opinion from the financially strapped, war-weary public, particularly as the Bush administration continues to melt down. Yet such a dramatic shift in sentiment in just five years demonstrates just how much momentum the Democrats have headed into the 2008 election.
The key findings of the report indicate that the public increasingly favors a social safety net, frowns upon assertive national security measures, and believes that the gap between rich and poor is out of control.
Media coverage of the report speculates whether this is the end of the conservative Republican era.
"This is the beginning of a Democratic opportunity," said Illinois Rep. Rahm Emanuel, chairman of the House Democratic Caucus. "The question is whether we blow it or not."
Clearly, the public is responding to the fact that Republicans have betrayed some of the key values of their party. Traditionally a party that prides itself on national defense, fiscal discipline, and Christian values, the Republicans have delivered years of failed foreign policy, budget-busting defense spending, and rampant corruption.
The iron is hot. The only question is whether Democratic leaders can strike effectively, delivering what the public wants--a government that is able and willing to act on the values that Americans cherish.
For Senator Barack Obama and other candidates, the challenge is clear: The public is ready for change and willing to listen. What do you have to say?
Posted by
Christopher Arnold
1:06 PM
Labels: '08 Election, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, Polls, Religion and Values